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Dr. Cassandra Lee Zirbel, DDS is an orthodontist in Cottage Grove, MN specializing in orthodontics (braces).
7729 79th Street S
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
She has a state license in Minnesota.
Licensed In: Minnesota
Dr. Cassandra Lee Zirbel, DDS does not have any reviews yet, be the first to leave a review of Dr. Cassandra Lee Zirbel, DDS here: Leave a Review
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Cassandra Lee Zirbel, DDS. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
3M Company |
Transbond XT $600 |
Clarity Aligners $60 |
Clarity ADVANCED $38 |
Ortholux Luminous Curing Light $36 |
APC Flash-Free Clarity ADVANCED $31 |
Other $55 |
Philips Electronics North America Corporation |
Philips Oral Healthcare $90 |
High - Flexcare+Handles $30 |
High-Flexc.+Handles $28 |
(0363) HighFlexc Handles $12 |
Align Technology, Inc. |
Invisalign $121 |
Dentsply Sirona Orthodontics Inc |
MTM $14 |
American Orthodontics Corporation |
Other |
Orthos $11 |
$7 |
Consulting Fee | $625 |
Food and Beverage | $520 |
Gift | $15 |
Dr. Cassandra Zirbel specializes in orthodontics (braces) and practices in Cottage Grove, MN. Dr. Zirbel obtained a license to practice in Minnesota.