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Dr. Caroline S. Garcia, DDS, MD is an oral surgeon in Shreveport, LA specializing in oral and maxillofacial surgery.
6912 Fern Loop Suite A
Shreveport, LA 71105
She has a state license in Louisiana.
Licensed In: Louisiana
Dr. Caroline S. Garcia, DDS, MD does not have any reviews yet, be the first to leave a review of Dr. Caroline S. Garcia, DDS, MD here: Leave a Review
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Caroline S. Garcia, DDS, MD. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
BioSet $146 |
3DIEMME RealGUIDE $131 |
Diem2-RevitaliZe $23 |
Piezomed SA-320 1.8m $19 |
Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC |
JUBLIA $19 |
ELIDEL $15 |
AxoGuard Nerve Protector $24 |
Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. |
TSV NG Surgical $21 |
Food and Beverage | $428 |
Dr. Caroline Garcia is a Shreveport, LA physician who specializes in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Dr. Garcia has obtained a license to practice in Louisiana.