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Dr. Carlyn S. Phucas, DDS is an orthodontist in Marlton, NJ specializing in orthodontics (braces).
36 W Route 70 Marlton Greene Plaza Suite 212
Marlton, NJ 08053
She has a state license in New Jersey.
Licensed In: New Jersey
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These charts describe general payments received by Dr. Carlyn S. Phucas, DDS. Doctors may receive payments for a number of reasons, including meal compensation, travel compensation, and consulting.
Align Technology, Inc. |
Invisalign $28,054 |
Clear Aligners $19,384 |
$2,363 |
Ortho Organizers, Inc. |
Ortho Organizers $1,599 |
Motion $101 |
Ortho Organizers Reveal Aligners $17 |
3M Company |
Orthodontic Adhesive-Coated Appliances $285 |
Clarity Aligners $118 |
Clarity Orthodontic Bracket $107 |
Clarity ADVANCED $21 |
Ormco Corporation |
SPARK $140 |
DQ $72 |
Orthos $63 |
Ti-Orthos $54 |
Orthodontics $48 |
Other $90 |
American Orthodontics Corporation |
Other |
Dental and Orthodontic supplies $203 |
A-Fit $39 |
NobelActive $31 |
PITTS21 $28 |
CEREC $14 |
Other $139 |
Honoraria | $35,500 |
Travel and Lodging | $13,565 |
Food and Beverage | $3,886 |
Gift | $303 |
Charitable Contribution | $90 |
Other | $14 |
Dr. Carlyn S. Phucas, DDS has received 23 research payments totaling $4,650.
Dr. Carlyn Phucas specializes in orthodontics (braces) and practices in Marlton, NJ. Dr. Phucas has obtained a license to practice in New Jersey.