Mental Health Professionals - Spokane Valley, WA
We found 476 mental health professionals in Spokane Valley, WA. See refinement options below.
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Michelle Marie Welch, CDP
Ms. Michelle Welch's areas of specialization are counseling and addiction therapy; she sees patients in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Richard Salcido Miranda, CDPT
Mr. Richard Miranda works as a counseling specialist in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Ms. Lisa L. Parker, CDP
Ms. Lisa Parker's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. She practices in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Isaac Orion White, MA
Mr. Isaac White practices counseling in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Mr. Leon Douglas Eagle Tail, MSW, CDP
Mr. Leon Eagle Tail works as a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Mr. David V. Brough, L.M.H.C.
Mr. David Brough works as a counseling specialist in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Ms. Leann Marie Deering-Soth, MSW
Ms. Leann Deering-Soth specializes in social work and counseling and practices in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Steven Anthony Glenn, CDP
Mr. Steven Glenn's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. He practices in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Mr. James Scott Graham, M.S.
Mr. James Graham practices counseling in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Laura Marie Schrotenboer, MHP, MS, LMHC, CMHS
Ms. Laura Schrotenboer works as a counseling specialist in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Scott Gilbert, LICSW
Mr. Scott Gilbert works as a social work specialist in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Mr. Patrick Keith Lipp, M.S.
Mr. Patrick Lipp is a counseling specialist in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Douglas John Walker, CDP
Mr. Douglas Walker works as a counseling specialist in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Lisa G. Gainer, LICSW
Ms. Lisa Gainer is a social work specialist in Spokane Valley, WA. -
Shawni Eileen Storms, CDP
Ms. Shawni Storms works as a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Spokane Valley, WA. -
David Jonathan Muckley, CDP
Ms. David Muckley specializes in counseling and addiction therapy and practices in Spokane Valley, WA.