Family Medicine practitioners - Muncie, IN
We found 177 family medicine practitioners in Muncie, IN.
Julie A. Hall, NP, FNP
Ms. Julie Hall specializes in general practice, pain medicine, and complementary and alternative medicine and practices in Muncie, IN. -
Mrs. Sarah R. Porter, NP, FNP
Ms. Sarah Porter's areas of specialization are maternal and fetal medicine, general practice, and gynecology; she sees patients in Muncie, IN. -
Jennifer J. Huisman, NP
Ms. Jennifer Huisman is a general practice and endocrinology specialist in New Castle, IN and Muncie, IN. -
Dr. Justin K. Whitt, MD
Dr. Justin Whitt is a general practice, family medicine, and gynecology specialist in Muncie, IN. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois College of Medicine. -
Dr. Melanie A. Schreiner, MD
Dr. Melanie Schreiner's specialties are general practice, family medicine, and gynecology. She practices in Muncie, IN. She studied at Indiana University School of Medicine. -
Mrs. Elisabeth M. Bernal, NP
Ms. Elisabeth Bernal specializes in general practice and practices in Muncie, IN. -
Dr. Luke S. Ernstberger II, MD
Dr. Luke Ernstberger works as a general practice, family medicine, and gynecology specialist in Muncie, IN. Dr. Ernstberger attended Indiana University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Reeta Bhargava, MD
Dr. Reeta Bhargava sees patients in Muncie, IN, Westfield, IN, and Noblesville, IN. Her medical specialties are general practice, family medicine, and urgent care. She graduated from SMS Medical College, Jaipur. -
Michael D. Atwell, NP
Mr. Michael Atwell specializes in general practice and orthopedics/orthopedic surgery and practices in Muncie, IN. -
Sarah A. Johnson, NP
Ms. Sarah Johnson works as a general practice and family medicine specialist in Muncie, IN. -
Mr. Cory M. Coffey, FNP, NP
Mr. Cory Coffey is a general practice and cardiac electrophysiology (heart rhythm) specialist in Muncie, IN. -
Lisa R. Hodge, FNP, NP
Ms. Lisa Hodge is a general practice and gynecology specialist in Muncie, IN. -
Amy C. Roby, NP, FNP
Ms. Amy Roby's specialties are general practice and cardiology (heart disease). She practices in Muncie, IN. -
Rachel L. Hency, FNP, NP
Ms. Rachel Hency's specialties are general practice and otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat). She practices in Muncie, IN. -
Mrs. Julie R. Bogue, NP
Ms. Julie Bogue's areas of specialization are family medicine and cardiac electrophysiology (heart rhythm); she sees patients in Muncie, IN. -
Travis D. Newman, NP
Mr. Travis Newman works as a general practice and family medicine specialist in Muncie, IN.