Primary Care Doctors - Springfield, IL
We found over 500 primary care doctors in Springfield, IL.
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Dr. Nora Taylor Maczura, MD
Dr. Nora Maczura's specialties are general practice and gynecologic oncology. She practices in Springfield, IL. She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine. -
Windie C. McKay, DC
Dr. Windie McKay's areas of specialization are general practice and chiropractic; she sees patients in Springfield, IL. -
Dr. Randy L. Western, MD
Dr. Randy Western sees patients in Springfield, IL. His medical specialties are general practice and family medicine. He attended Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Stephen Michael Holland, MD
Dr. Stephen Holland is a Springfield, IL physician who specializes in general practice and ophthalmology (eye disease). Dr. Holland studied at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Marc R. Dejong, MD
Dr. Marc Dejong specializes in general practice, orthopedics/orthopedic surgery, and sports medicine and practices in Springfield, IL. Dr. Dejong graduated from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Christopher D. Ryan, MD
Dr. Christopher Ryan's specialties are general practice and anesthesiology. He practices in Springfield, IL. -
Dr. Vivianne Carole Beyer, MD
Dr. Vivianne Beyer is a general practice and dermatology (skin disorders) specialist in Springfield, IL and Decatur, IL. Dr. Beyer studied at Indiana University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Jennifer Schuermann, MD
Dr. Jennifer Schuermann is a general practice and family medicine specialist in Springfield, IL. She is a graduate of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Braden G. Anderson, OD
Dr. Braden Anderson specializes in general practice and optometry (primary eye care) and practices in Jacksonville, IL and Springfield, IL. -
Dr. Joel Wietfeldt, MD
Dr. Joel Wietfeldt's specialties are general practice and pediatric plastic surgery. He practices in Springfield, IL and Hillsboro, IL. Dr. Wietfeldt graduated from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Philip James Abraham, MD, FCCP
Dr. P. Abraham's specialties are general practice, pulmonology (lung & respiratory disease), and sleep medicine. He practices in Springfield, IL. He studied at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Dr. William D. Payne, MD
Dr. William Payne works as a general practice, orthopedics/orthopedic surgery, and optometry (primary eye care) specialist in Springfield, IL, Hillsboro, IL, and Rushville, IL. Dr. Payne graduated from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Andrew Lambert, MD
Dr. Andrew Lambert specializes in general practice and vascular surgery and practices in Springfield, IL. He graduated from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Dr. James K. Fullerton, MD
Dr. James Fullerton is a general practice and general surgery specialist in Springfield, IL. He graduated from Medical College of Wisconsin. -
Dr. Bradford Lee West, MD
Dr. Bradford West works as a general practice and nephrology (kidney disease) specialist in Springfield, IL and Macomb, IL. He studied at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. -
Dr. Mark D. Greatting, MD
Dr. Mark Greatting is a general practice, hand surgery, and orthopedics/orthopedic surgery specialist in Springfield, IL and Hillsboro, IL. He is a graduate of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.