Primary Care Doctors - Springfield, IL
We found over 500 primary care doctors in Springfield, IL.
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Dr. C. M. Bradbury, PhD, MD
Dr. C. Bradbury's specialties are general practice and radiation oncology. He practices in Springfield, IL and Jacksonville, IL. He attended the University of Vermont College of Medicine. -
Dr. Leslie Jean-Regis Acakpo-Satchivi, MD, PhD, FAANS
Dr. Leslie Acakpo-Satchivi sees patients in Springfield, IL. His medical specialties are general practice and neurosurgery. -
Dr. Archana Nayani, MD
Dr. Archana Nayani specializes in general practice, medical oncology, and hematology (blood disorders) and practices in Springfield, IL. -
Dr. Lucinda A. Hany, MD
Dr. Lucinda Hany's specialties are general practice and obstetrics & gynecology. She practices in Springfield, IL. She graduated from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Airn A. Etherton, FNP-BC
Ms. Airn Etherton specializes in family medicine and practices in Springfield, IL. -
Dr. James W. Thiele, FACS, MD
Dr. James Thiele's specialties are general practice, colon & rectal surgery, and complementary and alternative medicine. He practices in Springfield, IL. Dr. Thiele studied at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Paul Evan Pacheco, FACS, MD
Dr. Paul Pacheco sees patients in Taylorville, IL, Litchfield, IL, and Springfield, IL. His medical specialties are general practice, colon & rectal surgery, and complementary and alternative medicine. He attended the University of Illinois College of Medicine. -
Dr. Shahed Mohammad Shams, MD
Dr. Shahed Shams attended St. Louis University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Dylan Robert Afeld, MD
Dr. Dylan Afeld's areas of specialization are general practice and complementary and alternative medicine; he sees patients in Springfield, IL, Jacksonville, IL, and Lincoln, IL. He attended the University of Illinois College of Medicine. -
Dr. Randal J. Peterson, FACS, MD
Dr. Randal Peterson sees patients in Springfield, IL. His medical specialties are general practice and ophthalmology (eye disease). Dr. Peterson graduated from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Pramila R. Venigalla, MD
Dr. Aaron Brewer, FACS, MD
Dr. Aaron Brewer specializes in general practice and general surgery and practices in Taylorville, IL and Springfield, IL. He graduated from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Gary Brett Western, MD
Dr. G. Western's specialties are general practice and orthopedics/orthopedic surgery. He practices in Springfield, IL. Dr. Western is a graduate of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Erin M. Stone, MD
Dr. Erin Stone sees patients in Springfield, IL. Her medical specialties are general practice and obstetrics & gynecology. She graduated from SIOUX CITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. -
Dr. Jeffrey R. Horvath, MD
Dr. Jeffrey Horvath sees patients in Springfield, IL, Jacksonville, IL, and Macomb, IL. His medical specialties are general practice and rheumatology (arthritis & autoimmune diseases). He graduated from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Bridget E. McIlwee, DO, FACMS
Dr. Bridget McIlwee specializes in general practice, MOHS-micrographic surgery, and pathology and practices in Springfield, IL.