Addiction Therapists - Fairbanks, AK
We found 221 addiction therapists in Fairbanks, AK.
Ms. Deborah Ann Otis, C.D.C.I, M.A.
Ms. Deborah Otis practices counseling and addiction therapy in Fairbanks, AK. -
Claudia J. Vincent, CT
Ms. Claudia Vincent's areas of specialization are counseling and addiction therapy; she sees patients in Fairbanks, AK. -
Dr. Jaime Nicole Ringstad, LPC, ED.D., MAC
Dr. Jaime Ringstad's specialties are family therapy, psychology, and counseling. She practices in Fairbanks, AK. -
Ms. Minda Kay Mull, CDCI
Ms. Minda Mull's areas of specialization are counseling and addiction therapy; she sees patients in Fairbanks, AK. -
Susie Katherine Mitkov
Ms. Susie Mitkov specializes in counseling and addiction therapy and practices in Fairbanks, AK. -
Gail H. Joubert
Ms. Gail Joubert is a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Fairbanks, AK. -
John P. Yates II, Jr., CDC
Mr. John Yates works as a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Fairbanks, AK. -
Mrs. Darlene L. Workman, CDC 11
Ms. Darlene Workman is a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Fairbanks, AK. -
Shelissa F. Thomas, CDC1
Ms. Shelissa Thomas specializes in counseling and addiction therapy and practices in Fairbanks, AK. -
Alicia B. Fitzpatrick, CDC I
Ms. Alicia Fitzpatrick practices counseling and addiction therapy in Fairbanks, AK. -
Sally Ann Caldwell, SEP, LPC-S, MAC
Ms. Sally Caldwell is a counseling specialist in Fairbanks, AK. -
Mrs. Celina Nichole Risner, CDC I
Ms. Celina Risner works as a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Fairbanks, AK. -
Ann M. Sterle, LPC
Ms. Ann Sterle's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. She practices in Fairbanks, AK. -
Brianna Noel Castellano
Ms. Brianna Castellano works as a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Fairbanks, AK. -
Jessica R. Hedge, CDCS, ICADC, CRADC
Ms. Jessica Hedge's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. She practices in Fairbanks, AK. -
Mr. William Bruce Gaddis III, CDC I, BA
Mr. William Gaddis' areas of specialization are counseling and addiction therapy; he sees patients in Fairbanks, AK.