Additions now welcome
November 11, 2011
At DocSpot, our mission is to connect people with the right health care by helping them navigate publicly available information. We believe the first step of that mission is to help connect people with an appropriate medical provider, and we look forward to helping people navigate other aspects of their care as the opportunities arise. We are just at the start of that mission, so we hope you will come back often to see how things are developing.
An underlying philosophy of our work is that right care means different things to different people. We also recognize that doctors are multidimensional people. So, instead of trying to determine which doctors are "better" than others, we offer a variety of filter options that individuals can apply to more quickly discover providers that fit their needs.
November 11, 2011
We've mentioned it for a while -- especially to those who have written in to update information -- but now, the wait is finally over. Providers who have successfully claimed their profiles can now enrich them directly. They can add information to help prospective patients to get to know them -- things like contact information, treatment philosophy, personal website, and even whether they are accepting new patients or not.
There are a few caveats. First, there are certain categories of information that we don't yet accept -- data like licensure and pictures. Also, if a provider isn't listed in the National Provider Identifier database, we don't have a way for them to create a profile and start adding information (we'll be working on that soon).
If you have a profile, please try out the feature. Feel free to send us a message if you run into any problems. Thanks for engaging!
November 06, 2011
As we continue to build out the capability for providers to claim their profiles and add information, we have a parallel effort going on to re-design our user interface. In particular, we have gotten a lot of feedback that our landing pages and our search results page can be confusing.
As we go through that site re-design, we welcome any feedback that you might have in terms of how to make the site more user-friendly. Perhaps you have a suggestion on how to make the interface more elegant. Or perhaps you have an idea for a feature that would be useful. Either way, it'd be great to hear from you. You can leave a message or send us a message. We'd appreciate it!
October 28, 2011
A quick shout-out to all those who have claimed their profiles -- thank you for doing so! I was surprised by the number of people who did so in the first week, given that we only announced via a blog post. We really appreciate your engagement.
As you can guess, we've been working on allowing people to add information, and after that, the plan is to allow clinicians who aren't part of the National Provider Identifier database to register themselves. As we roll out those pieces, we'll announce it here.
October 21, 2011
Each DocSpot profile now sports a pithy but very important question: "Is this your profile"?
If you find yourself answering "yes" (assuming you're being honest with yourself and with us), you're in luck, because you can now claim your profile at our site and hide any incorrect or outdated information. This is a new feature for us and there might be a bug or two that hasn't quite yet flown away - so give it a try, and if anything is difficult, confusing, or just plain not working, please don't hesitate to shoot us an e-mail at
For now, claiming your profile allows you to hide or flag information that is out of date, incorrect, or private.
Within the next couple of months, you will be able to add new information as well - whether you recently moved and want to update your address, or we don't have residency information for you but you would like to add it, or you would like to add an additional website or picture. Claiming your DocSpot profile is free of charge, as is hiding or adding information, because we want the information at our site to be as accurate and complete as possible, and we want as many people as possible to join us in this cause.
We also have a couple of safeguards in place to help ensure that you can trust the data you see at our site. Health care providers must verify their identity via a confirmation code sent to a phone or fax number that we know to be associated with the provider. Additionally, for medically relevant pieces of information such as disciplinary action or medical school, providers may mark the information as incorrect but not hide it. The information will then remain on their profile for the public to see, along with a note indicating that the provider has flagged it as incorrect.
The opportunity for health care providers to claim their profiles at our site has been a long time coming, and we're excited to finally release it and watch our community continue to grow. Will you join us?
October 15, 2011
We'd like to grow the team. Do you know anyone who might be interested? We're looking for someone who's smart, enthusiastic, and detail-oriented. Additional details can be found here.