California begins ban on balance billing
June 30, 2017
Last year, there was some press around the practice known as balance billing, where patients who are treated by out-of-network providers may be billed for services if the patients' insurers refuse to pay. In theory, patients who choose to visit out-of-network providers should pay according to their insurance policies; however, in practice, patients are often stuck with bills even when they are careful to select in-network facilities. Kaiser Health News reported on such a story and on how new regulations are coming into effect to combat such practices. While the regulation does not seem to address exactly how the bill will resolve between the providers and the insurers, it protects the patients from balance billing if they visit an in-network facility.
The regulation does allow patients to still choose to be treated by an out-of-network provider, but requires their signed consent at least 24 hours in advance. This seems like a sensible policy in that it still preserves patient choice while protecting them from surprise bills.